The Chicco d’Oro loyalty program allows participants to collect Chicco d’Oro loyalty points by purchasing Chicco d’Oro coffee packages sold at retail in Switzerland and to take advantage of the associated rewards service.
Only purchasers of Chicco d’Oro coffee packages sold at retail in Switzerland can enroll in the Chicco d’Oro loyalty program.
The following are excluded from enrolling in the loyalty program:
i. Legal entities
ii. Individuals who have obtained loyalty points by means other than purchasing Chicco d’Oro coffee packages (specifically by buying points from purchasers of Chicco d’Oro packages or exchanging points for other goods or vouchers from different suppliers).
Enrollment is completed by sending the loyalty points by registered mail to: Caffé Chicco d’Oro, P.O. Box, 6828 Balerna, or by delivering them in person to the Chicco d’Oro headquarters at Via Motta 2, 6828 Balerna.
Loyalty points are non-transferable, non-tradable, non-convertible into cash, and non-refundable in case of theft or loss.
With the points collected, the participant can order the loyalty rewards. The loyalty rewards and the points required for each of them are determined by Chicco d’Oro. Chicco d’Oro reserves the right to change at any time both the rewards offer and the number of points needed to obtain them. More information about the available rewards and the corresponding required points is available on the website www.chiccodoro.com
Prizes will be awarded only while supplies last. If a specific prize is unavailable, Chicco d’Oro reserves the right to provide a different prize of equal value for the same number of points.
Chicco d’Oro si riserva il diritto di rifiutare l’ordinazione tramite punti fedeltà in caso di abuso o presunto abuso, in particolare mancato rispetto del presente regolamento.
Chicco d’Oro provides no warranty regarding the rewards.
Chicco d’Oro reserves the right to change the Chicco d’Oro loyalty program at any time without prior notice.
The change could affect, in particular, these regulations, membership terms, loyalty point values, loyalty rewards, or points required to redeem individual rewards.
Chicco d’Oro has the right to discontinue its loyalty program at any time and without giving reasons.
Chicco d’Oro’s liability in connection with any aspect of the loyalty program, including prizes delivered, regardless of the reason, is limited to intent and gross negligence. Liability is totally excluded in the case of auxiliary persons of Chicco d’Oro.
By collecting loyalty points, the participant unreservedly acknowledges the validity of these regulations.
The Chicco d’Oro loyalty program is governed by Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is at the registered office of Chicco d’Oro.